No tulipas nyt heti vastaus fatiikkiavusta:
Treatment with acetyl l-carnitine (ALCAR) has been shown to improve fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, but there have been no trials on the effect of ALCAR for treating fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS). To compare the efficacy of ALCAR with that of amantadine, one of the drugs most widely used to treat MS-related fatigue, 36 MS patients presenting fatigue were enrolled in a randomised, double-blind, crossover study. Patients were treated for 3 months with either amantadine (100 mg twice daily) or ALCAR (1 g twice daily). After a 3-month washout period, they crossed over to the alternative treatment for 3 months. Patients were rated at baseline and every 3 months according to the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), the primary endpoint of the study. Secondary outcome variables were: Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Social Experience Checklist (SEC). Six patients withdrew from the study because of adverse reactions (five on amantadine and one on ALCAR). Statistical analysis showed significant effects of ALCAR compared with amantadine for the Fatigue Severity Scale (p=0.039). There were no significant effects for any of the secondary outcome variables. The results of this study show that ALCAR is better tolerated and more effective than amantadine for the treatment of MS-related fatigue.
Ohessa on siis ns. luotettavasta lahteesta oleva eilen e-mailiini tupsahtanut tutkimustulos, jossa on verrattu
ALCAR (joku viisaampi voisi suomentaa oikean aineen nimen, jookos ??? ).
Eli on verrattuna kaikille jo tuttua Atarinia ja ALCARia MS-fatiikin lieventajana. Koe tehtiin suhteellisen pienelle potilasryhmalle (36). Sivuvaikutusten vuoksi 6 potilasta lopetti kokeilun, joista viisi amantadinen vuoksi, ja vain yksi ALCARia kokeilleesta.
"Kokeen tulokset osoittavat, etta ALCAR on paremmin siedetty ja tehokkaampi ms-fatiikin hoidossa".
Onkos sitten ALCAR Suomessa myynnissa ja milla kauppanimella? Luultavasti se on kuitenkin Euroopassa myyntiluvan saanut valmiste, kun sita kaytetaan fatiikin hoidossa. on siis PubMediin, joka on ns. vakavasti otettava lahde.