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Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus? (Luettu 1008801 kertaa)

Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #690 - 04.12.2009 - 22:25:32
Tällä hetkellä "scientific evidence" näyttää olevan homman ydin, sillä myös Stanfordissa aloitellaan kliinistä kokeilua, missä haetaan tieteellistä näyttöä CCSVI-hoidoille. Tässä joutuu olemaan nyt kärsivällinen ja odottelemaan kokeilujen tuloksia, ennenkuin voi haaveilla siitä että laskimokorjaukset ovat osa käypähoitoa. Luulen että Stanfordissa tätä tutkimusta vauhditti, se että eräässä operaatiossa tuli isompi ongelma - nimittäin asennettu stentti oli liian pieni ja "karkasi" kohti sydäntä. Tilanne saatiin korjatuksi, mutta se oli "läheltä piti" tilanne. Pallolaajennuksien kanssa ei tietääkseni ole ollut erityisempiä ongelmia.. paitsi ahtauman uudelleen muodostuminen jugularlaskimoihin noin puolella operoiduista.
Puolassa Marian Simka jatkaa toistaiseksi operaatioita nyt kun on päässyt vauhtiin. Jos tällä hetkellä olisi mahdollista valita stentin tai pallolaajennuksen välillä - niin valitsisin pallolaajennuksen (mikäli voi tehdä ongelmakohtaan) ja mielellään seurannan sopivin välein.

ps. ote Stanfordin vastaus meilistä operaatiota kyselleelle mäsälle:
Currently, we are planning a clinical study to rigorously assess the risks and benefits of balloon angioplasty with or without venous stenting in the setting of multiple sclerosis. This controlled format for study will allow all patients to receive endovascular therapy if desired, but will provide a better evaluation of the risks, benefits and indications for different approaches to treating the vein blockages associated with multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #691 - 04.12.2009 - 22:25:44
Jos laskimoteoria osottautuu todeksi, voisiko se olla Nobel-tasoinen saavutus? kilpailua ja kateutta?
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #692 - 04.12.2009 - 22:31:23
Kyllä, voisi sanoa että Nobel jo häämöttäisi Zambonille - mutta tähän taitaa olla vielä pitkä matka. Oli miten oli, niin jo tässä vaiheessa voi sanoa että MS:n laskimohäiriöt ovat hyvin merkittävä tutkimuslöydös.. ehkä ensimmäinen todellakin toiveikkuutta herättävä, siitä että mysteeri ehkä ratkeaa, toimiva hoito löytyy.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #693 - 04.12.2009 - 22:48:09
Kun erekki toit näitä laskimoasioita esille niin ajattelin; vouhotusta, mutta näyttösi perusteella alan vähitellen taipua. Tiede etenee aina uuden paradikman kautta. D-vitamiiniin uskon jo täysillä. Päiväannoksetkin ovat nousseet.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #694 - 05.12.2009 - 03:08:12
Eräs TIMS:llä kirjoittava ja wheelchairkamikaze-blogia pitävä Marc oli tavannut pari MS-"huippututkijaa" Accelerated Cure Project:sta sekä The Myelin Repair Foundation:sta. Heillä oli ollut mielenkiintoinen keskustelu CCSVI aiheesta. Tutkijoilla oli erilainen visio kuin Zambonilla siitä mistä rautakertymät johtuvat. He esittivät, että refluksista johtuva hapenpuute aivoissa johtaa oligodendrosyyttien kuolemaan, joka taas vapauttaa rautaa aivoihin.

"Hollie and Rusty both were open to the notion of CCSVI. Rusty had an interesting take on the matter of iron deposition, saying that he didn't think it was being deposited by the reflux of blood itself. He believed that if CCSVI it was indeed responsible for the iron deposition being found in MS brains, it was because the reflux of deoxygenated blood was leading to the death of oligodendrocytes, which in turn were releasing iron into the brain. "
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #695 - 05.12.2009 - 10:00:42
Hyvä bongaus THC4MS, raudan kertyminen ja sen seurauksen on nyt varmastikin tutkijoita kiinnostava seikka.. varsinkin kun asiassa on vielä paljon tutkittavaa ja selvitettävää. Tuo rautakertymien ja oligodenrosyyttien kuolema on vilahdellut aiemminkin teksteissä. Rautakertymiin keskittynyt tutkija Mark Haacke pohdiskeli keväällä 2009 julkaistussa tuotoksessaan, että miten/mistä rauta kertyy ja esitti että rautapitoisuudet olisivat hyvä biomarkkeri ms-taudin etenemisen suhteen.

Characterizing iron deposition in multiple sclerosis lesions using susceptibility weighted imaging

The source of iron deposition may be myelin/oligodendrocyte debris (17), concentrated iron in the macrophages (that phagocytize the destructed myelin/oligodendrocyte), or the product of hemorrhages from damaged brain vessels. The mechanism of direct damage to the brain by iron might be related to oxidative stress and the generation of toxic free radicals (12). The amount of iron deposition could reflect the extent of tissue damage, thus iron could be used as a biomarker to predict clinical outcome. This is a reasonable hypothesis given recent findings (27), which show very clear iron deposition encircling dilated veins in MS. The source of this iron is still unclear, but it could result from microhemorrhaging and hemosiderin buildup (27). Additionally, our results appear to indicate that chronic lesions may vanish on T2WI in some instances. If this is the case, then it may explain why the number of lesions on T2WI has not been very specific to the severity of the disease.
Brain iron accumulation has been shown histologically in MS and recently, an iron increase from 24% to 39.5% was reported in the deep gray matter in MS patients compared to control subjects (25,26).

Tuo Mark Haacke on ÄIJÄ! Ja antaa aivan varmasti osaltaan merkittävän panoksen MS-tutkimukseen ja CCSVI:n liittyen.

Edelliseen liittyen löysin EAE-hiiri tutkimuksen vuodelta -98, jossa pohdittiin rautakertymien muodostumista - liittyen oligodendrosyyttien vaurioihin. Iron deposits in the central nervous system of SJL mice with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis

Iron has been proposed to promote oxidative tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (MS). In order to gain insights about how iron gets processed during MS, the deposition of iron was investigated in the CNS of mice with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), which is a commonly used animal model of MS...
Thus, each of the stained features in EAE animals could be due to the extravasation of blood which occurs in the SJL model of EAE, although some of the iron could have originated from myelin and oligodendrocytes damaged during EAE.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #696 - 05.12.2009 - 12:26:51
Polly kirjoitti on 04.12.2009 - 21:57:22:
[Toivottavasti ei ole mitään pysyvää estettä Zambonilla. Tästä voisi kehitellä ties minkälaisia salaliittoteorioita, mutta olen nyt kiltisti.

Herhiläinen on jo vapaana, eikä tätä junaa pysäytä enää mikään... Vaikka joillakin tahoilla olisikin intresseissä kyseenalaistaa ja vähätellä Zambonin löydöksiä, eivät he pysty muuta tekemään kuin korkeintaan aiheuttamaan tilapäistä viivästystä ja toisaalta saattamaan itsensä suurennuslasin alle.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #697 - 05.12.2009 - 13:34:34
Medscape on julkaissut mielenkiintoisen artikkelin: (en ole nyt varma onko linkitetty jo tänne


From Medscape Medical News

Endovascular Treatment of Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency Safe, May Provide Benefit in MS

Susan Jeffrey

December 3, 2009 — New data from a pilot open-label study suggest that endovascular treatment of strictures in extracranial cerebrospinal veins is safe in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and may provide some neurological benefit for these patients, researchers conclude.

The controversial approach, which has recently been making headlines in consumer media outlets, proposes that narrowing in the veins draining the brain, called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCVI), may be an early step in the disease process causing MS, and further, this narrowing may respond to simple angioplasty.

Left: location of venous stenosis with relative rate found in CCVI associated with multiple sclerosis. Right: the minimally invasive technique of balloon angioplasty eliminates the stricture in the cerebral venous system.
Lead author Paolo Zamboni, MD, director of the Vascular Diseases Center at the University of Ferrara, Italy, emphasized that the current report should be viewed as an interesting finding that urgently requires replication by other groups.

"What we know is that MS is very complex and multifactorial," Dr. Zamboni told Medscape Neurology. "I have identified an unknown factor and possible treatment for this factor."

The study is published as an online article in the December issue of the Journal of Vascular Surgery.


In a previous study published online in December 2008, Dr. Zamboni and colleagues assessed venous outflow routes in 65 patients with clinically definite MS (CDMS) and 235 control patients using a combined transcranial and extracranial color Doppler high-resolution examination. They reported that CDMS and venous outflow abnormalities were "dramatically" associated, with an odds ratio of 43 (95% confidence interval, 29 - 65; P < .0001).

Venography showed the presence of multiple severe extracranial stenoses affecting the principal venous segments in the patients with MS but not the control patients. "This provides a picture of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency with 4 different patterns of distribution of stenosis and substitute circle," the authors write. "Moreover, relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive courses were associated with CCVI patterns significantly different from those of primary progressive (P < .0001)" (Zamboni P, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:392-399).

In an editorial accompanying that publication, Claude Franceschi, MD, from Saint Joseph and Pitié-Salpétrière Hospitals in Paris wrote that, "in light of the association between such a previously overlooked vascular picture and MS, a further stimulating research field is opened by this article. This should be addressed in understanding the contribution of venous drainage to the different aspects of inflammation, autoimmunity and neurodegeneration characterising the intriguing puzzle of MS" (Franceschi C. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009;80:358).

Dr. Zamboni stressed that this association between venous stenoses in extracranial arteries and MS is not contradictory to what is already known about the disease. "What I've found is a previously unknown factor, widely diffuse in my MS population, which could trigger or facilitate both immune reaction and inflammation," he told Medscape Neurology. "If you have elevated pressure and difficulty of drainage in the brain, you have the possibility of extravazation of blood components crossing the blood–brain barrier, and this could trigger inflammation and also immune reaction."

Restenosis a Problem

In the current report, the researchers describe the safety and early outcomes in these same patients after endovascular treatment of stenoses in the internal jugular vein and the azygous vein.

Of the 65 patients, 35 had relapsing-remitting disease, 20 had secondary-progressive disease, and 10 had primary progressive MS. All underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty to address strictures in these veins. All procedures were done as day surgery under local anesthesia, and no operative or postoperative complications were seen, including vessel rupture, thrombosis, or adverse effects from contrast.

Postoperative headache was reported in 6 patients, which resolved spontaneously, and minor hemorrhages with hematoma occurred at vascular access sites "occasionally," the authors report.

After the procedure, venous pressure was significantly lower in the internal jugular and azygous veins (P < .001). Stenoses in these venous pathways "were never found to be isolated," the researchers note, but always combined in the internal jugular, azygous veins, or lumbar system in 4 main patterns of distribution.

At a mean follow-up of 18 months, the risk for restenosis after intervention was higher in the internal jugular vein, Dr. Zamboni noted, with a patency rate of 53% compared with 96% in azygous veins (95% confidence interval, 3.5 - 72.5; P < .0001).

Patency at follow-up depended on the type of obstruction faced, including membranous obstructions, twisting, and hypoplasia. A stent was placed in 1 patient to resolve a twisted vein, but a second case retwisted, the authors note.

Using the patients as their own control, the researchers found improvement with treatment on some clinical outcome measures after the intervention, particularly for the relapsing-remitting patients. In this group, 27% were relapse-free before surgery and 50% were so after treatment (P < .001). Gadolinium-enhancing lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fell from 50% to 12% (P < .001).

Significant improvement over the preoperative assessment was seen at 1 year on the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite again for relapsing-remitting patients (P < .008), but not among those with a secondary or primary progressive course.

Physical quality-of-life measures also improved significantly in relapsing-remitting MS patients and in primary-progressive patients, with a positive trend among those with secondary progressive disease. Mental quality of life also was significantly improved for the relapsing-remitting and primary progressive groups, but not for those with secondary progressive MS.

The authors conclude that although improved endovascular techniques are needed to approach the internal jugular vein, "the results of this pilot study warrant a subsequent randomized control study."

It is possible that the addition of stents to this endovascular approach that he calls the "liberation procedure" may improve outcomes, Dr. Zamboni noted. "However, the results are really interesting, if you think that all treated patients were already under the best treatment for MS and had adjunctive neurological benefits from the liberation procedure compared to the previous 2 years."

Mixed Response From Neurology Community

Asked for comment on these findings, Lily Jung, MD, from the Swedish Neuroscience Institute, Seattle, Washington, speaking on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology, was cautious in her assessment. She feels some of the strong claims in the current report are not supported by the data.

For example, the number of patients in the report is small, "and to make the correlation between the patterns of venous obstruction and the categories of MS is a real stretch," Dr. Jung said. Assessment was done by unblinded neurologists, which is "not ideal." She also noted that the MRI results used different techniques, different protocols, and different study intervals.

We would welcome some randomized, controlled, double-blinded studies...but before then would not be encouraging our patients to jump in with both feet to do this procedure.

"The bottom line is that my colleagues and I have been flooded by calls and emails from patients who have been led by the publicity around this article to believe that there is a cure for MS, and to make such a claim with such preliminary results is premature," Dr. Jung said. "We would welcome some randomized, controlled, double-blinded studies to look at the issue, but before then would not be encouraging our patients to jump in with both feet to do this procedure, which has significant risks and has not been proven to be safe."

As a vascular interventionalist, Dr. Zamboni says he is keen to collaborate with neurologists in the setting of MS, but acknowledged that his work has had a mixed response from the neurology community. Some, he says, have been excited and at least curious, which in his view is important in research. Researchers from institutions including Stanford, Harvard, the Mayo Clinic, and others have asked to discuss the technique so that they may attempt to reproduce these findings in their own populations.

To the contrary, of course, I've also found big opposition, but I think that probably it is a prejudgement.

"To the contrary, of course, I've also found big opposition, but I think that probably it is a prejudgement, and they have not read the paper carefully," he said. "But it's not important. What is important is to have other people interested in doing the research and understanding more."

The first step will be to understand how widespread the presence of CCVI is among patients with MS, he said. "We need to test patients very rapidly to have the epidemiological data, which are very important."

Already, Dr. Zamboni is collaborating with Robert Zivadinov, MD, and colleagues at Buffalo General Hospital in New York on an open-label, MRI-blinded study of 16 relapsing-remitting patients with MS with confirmed strictures in the cerebrospinal venous outflow routes. Half — 4 randomly selected patients in Italy and 4 in New York — will undergo early intervention to address the blockages at 3 months, and 8 patients will have a delayed procedure at 6 months of follow-up.

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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #698 - 05.12.2009 - 13:37:16


Safety and preliminary efficacy will be monitored using MRI and clinical examination, and outcomes will be compared at 1 year. Dr. Zamboni and Dr. Zivadinov presented their protocol at the 25th Congress of the European Committee for the Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis earlier this year in Düsseldorf, Germany.

In Buffalo, they are also conducting a larger epidemiological study aimed at determining the prevalence of CCVI among their MS patients.

Dizzying Excitement, Desperate Hope

Although Dr. Zamboni has published previously on this procedure, a news report by a national Canadian news organization with an associated documentary on the same network recently profiled this work, generating a dizzying excitement for many patients in Canada, where MS rates are among the highest in the world. Their subsequent comments on various Internet news and patient sites reflect a desperate hope that this new approach may provide those with MS a possible alternative to lifelong drug therapy and the steady encroachment of disability.

In a public statement issued December 1, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society cautioned that the findings are preliminary. "Many questions remain about how and when this phenomenon [CCVI] might play a role in nervous system damage seen in MS, and at the present time there is insufficient evidence to prove that this phenomenon is the cause of MS."

However, the society also notes that it is very interested in seeing more data on this procedure and is prepared to put its money where its mouth is, calling for research proposals to generate that data.

"If confirmed, these findings may open up new research avenues into the underlying pathology of MS, as well as potential new approaches to therapy," the statement notes. "The National MS Society has invited research proposals to investigate this lead, and is in active discussions with the MS Society of Canada about the possibility of collaborative funding of [CCVI] research."

The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

J Vasc Surg. 2009;50:1348-1358.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #699 - 05.12.2009 - 18:21:39
beddgelert kirjoitti on 01.12.2009 - 12:19:20:
Tänään oli Hesarissakin pieni juttu asiasta. Lisää julkisuutta =)

Ja Aamulehdessä Hymiö.

Hauskaa oli käydä työterveyslääkärillä perjantaina ja hän alkoi tohkeissaan kertomaan tästä "uudesta" tutkimuksesta Hymiö.
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RR dg. 12/99,04/00 Lääkityksenä mennyt 05/00- -04 Betafeon, Rebiff44, Copaxone, Rebiff22, Rebiff 44; 09/04 MitoksantroniX2; 03/08 TysabriX1. Ei tiedossa tulevaa lääkitystä...
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #700 - 06.12.2009 - 10:39:40
Taistelu CCSVI:n tiimoilta kiihtyy ja asiantuntijat / yhdistykset ovat esittäneet näkemyksiään asian saadessa lisää julkisuutta. Tänään luin ehkäpä tylyimmän kannanoton, eli Englannin MS-society:n sivuilla julkaistun. Todella vastahankainen teksti, josta negatiivisuus todellakin pistää silmään: Medical advisors "unconvinced" by Zamboni's CCSVI theory

Medical advisors to the MS Society have raised doubts about a theory put forward by Italian doctor Paulo Zamboni, who this week proposed that a vein disorder is the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS).

In a statement, the experts have found fault with the theory that MS is caused by blockages in veins that drain the brain and suggest that people with MS are unlikely to benefit by any treatments developed to treat what Dr Zamboni called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI).

This week, results have been published of Dr Paulo Zamboni's work investigating whether CCSVI plays a role in multiple sclerosis (MS). The authors admit, however, that the recent paper published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery has significant drawbacks.

Last week, early news of Dr Zamboni's novel theory sparked international interest and has led to scientists at the University of Buffalo in New York to test his theory by recruiting for a large study.

Research Communications Officer at the MS Society, Dr Susan Kohlhaas, said: "Several medical advisers to the MS Society have read through the papers published by Dr Zamboni, and have heard him lecture on the subject.

"They are not convinced by the evidence that blockages to draining veins from the brain are specific to people with MS, or that this explains the cause of MS at any stage of the condition."

Dr Zamboni's most recently published work examined CCSVI in 65 people and suggested that 50 per cent of people with relapsing remitting MS were relapse-free for 18 months.

Among the control group of MS patients who did not undergo the procedure, Zamboni found that only 27 per cent went 18 months without a relapse. There was no published benefit for people with progressive forms of the condition.

Participants with relapsing remitting MS, however, were allowed to continue receiving their usual form of treatment, so it is inconclusive whether any reduction in relapse rate was due to the CCSVI procedure.

Importantly, the result of the procedure was measured using different MRI scanning machines and at different times, meaning the data is inconsistent and not a useful measure.

Professor Alastair Compston, Head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and winner of the 2007 Charcot Award for a lifetime achievement in MS research, is one of the MS Society's six medical advisors.

He said: "The treatment for CCSVI is not available for patients with multiple sclerosis in the United Kingdom because there is no convincing evidence to suggest that it is safe or beneficial to people with MS.

"People with MS are unlikely to benefit from treatments that dilate blood vessels

Britti asiantuntijat teilaavat CCSVI:n erittäin tylysti, epäillen suurinpiirtein kaikkea siinä; mm. he eivät ole edes vakuuttuneita siitä että MS-tautiin liittyisi laskimotukoksia  Pelästynyt tai että laskimoiden korjaaminen hyödyttäisi MS-tautia sairastavia, etc.. Mielestäni, käsittämätöntä tekstiä ja jälleen kerran nousee mieleeni A.Embryn sanat:
In the past, non-drug treatments for MS have been marginalized, mainly for financial reasons. I predict it will be a long, hard fight to get the treatment of CCSVI from the laboratory to the clinic

Tämä on todellakin TAISTELU, joillekin tahoille CCSVI edustaa uhkaa.. joka ehkä menee pois, kun laittaa silmät kiinni  Virnistys  Herranjestas sentään! Tuntuu että
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #701 - 06.12.2009 - 12:42:49
Taistelu CCSVI:n tiimoilta kiihtyy ja asiantuntijat / yhdistykset ovat esittäneet näkemyksiään asian saadessa lisää julkisuutta. Tänään luin ehkäpä tylyimmän kannanoton, eli Englannin MS-society:n sivuilla julkaistun. Todella vastahankainen teksti, josta negatiivisuus todellakin pistää silmään: Medical advisors "unconvinced" by Zamboni's CCSVI theory

Medical advisors to the MS Society have raised doubts about a theory put forward by Italian doctor Paulo Zamboni, who this week proposed that a vein disorder is the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS).

In a statement, the experts have found fault with the theory that MS is caused by blockages in veins that drain the brain and suggest that people with MS are unlikely to benefit by any treatments developed to treat what Dr Zamboni called chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI).

This week, results have been published of Dr Paulo Zamboni's work investigating whether CCSVI plays a role in multiple sclerosis (MS). The authors admit, however, that the recent paper published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery has significant drawbacks.

Last week, early news of Dr Zamboni's novel theory sparked international interest and has led to scientists at the University of Buffalo in New York to test his theory by recruiting for a large study.

Research Communications Officer at the MS Society, Dr Susan Kohlhaas, said: "Several medical advisers to the MS Society have read through the papers published by Dr Zamboni, and have heard him lecture on the subject.

"They are not convinced by the evidence that blockages to draining veins from the brain are specific to people with MS, or that this explains the cause of MS at any stage of the condition."

Dr Zamboni's most recently published work examined CCSVI in 65 people and suggested that 50 per cent of people with relapsing remitting MS were relapse-free for 18 months.

Among the control group of MS patients who did not undergo the procedure, Zamboni found that only 27 per cent went 18 months without a relapse. There was no published benefit for people with progressive forms of the condition.

Participants with relapsing remitting MS, however, were allowed to continue receiving their usual form of treatment, so it is inconclusive whether any reduction in relapse rate was due to the CCSVI procedure.

Importantly, the result of the procedure was measured using different MRI scanning machines and at different times, meaning the data is inconsistent and not a useful measure.

Professor Alastair Compston, Head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and winner of the 2007 Charcot Award for a lifetime achievement in MS research, is one of the MS Society's six medical advisors.

He said: "The treatment for CCSVI is not available for patients with multiple sclerosis in the United Kingdom because there is no convincing evidence to suggest that it is safe or beneficial to people with MS.

"People with MS are unlikely to benefit from treatments that dilate blood vessels

Britti asiantuntijat teilaavat CCSVI:n erittäin tylysti, epäillen suurinpiirtein kaikkea siinä; mm. he eivät ole edes vakuuttuneita siitä että MS-tautiin liittyisi laskimotukoksia  Pelästynyt tai että laskimoiden korjaaminen hyödyttäisi MS-tautia sairastavia, etc.. Mielestäni, käsittämätöntä tekstiä ja jälleen kerran nousee mieleeni A.Embryn sanat:
In the past, non-drug treatments for MS have been marginalized, mainly for financial reasons. I predict it will be a long, hard fight to get the treatment of CCSVI from the laboratory to the clinic

Tämä on todellakin TAISTELU, joillekin tahoille CCSVI edustaa uhkaa.. joka ehkä menee pois, kun laittaa silmät kiinni  Virnistys  Herranjestas sentään! Tuntuu että

Kaikista eniten ärsyttää se tämä lause:

Dr Zamboni's most recently published work examined CCSVI in 65 people and suggested that 50 per cent of people with relapsing remitting MS were relapse-free for 18 months.

Tämä samainen lause hieman eri tavalla kirjoitettuna on melkein joka paikassa, MUTTA siinä jätetään AINA mainitsematta se että he jotka saivat relapseja, heille ahtaumat olivat tulleet uudestaan!.

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CCSVI diag 6/08
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #702 - 06.12.2009 - 14:58:39
Sitten toisaalta Britannian MSRC (Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre)on ollut todella myönteinen, heti yhdistyksen etusivulla on tietoa ja linkkejä ccsvi:n liittyen. MSRC on iso ms-hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö, mutta tuo ms society taitaa valitettavasti olla se virallisempi ms-taho Britanniassa.  Surullinen Harmittavaa takkuilua.
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #703 - 06.12.2009 - 22:32:54
On se vaan jännä miten tämä CCSVI tuntuu jakavan mielipiteet näin mustavalkoisesti, puolesta ja vastaan. Positiivisesti suhtautuvat ammattilaiset ovat käsitykseni mukaan niitä, jotka ovat tutustuneet aiheeseen ja joiden alaan CCSVI paremmin sopii eli verisuoni asiantuntijat. Tutkimuksellisesti Buffalon yliopisto on kyllä poikkeuksellinen yksikkö ja sen tutkijathan ovat kirjoitelleet mm. rautakertymistä jo vuosikausia takaperin, joten Zambonin teoriat/tutkimukset sopivat heille kuin nyrkki silmään. Kaikista negatiivisimmin ja pahimmillaan kiukkuisen kielteisesti on suhtauduttu neurologian kentältä. En voi kuin hämmästellä kuinka rohkeasti tieteellistä arvostusta nauttineet neurotutkijat (kuten professori Alastair Compston) ampuvat CCSVI:n alas. On paljon mahdollista että julkisuudessa sanotut seikat kääntyvät itseään vastaan - entä jos laskimohäiriöt ovatkin MS-taudin syy ja perusta? Entä jos tästä avautuukin kokonaan uusi ja ratkaiseva tutkimushaara? Ok, täytyy muistaa että aihe on edelleenkin erittäin tuore.. mutta paljon on tapahtunut parin viimeisen kuukauden aikana. Jännää, mitähän seuraavat kuukaudet tuovat tullessaan? En tiedä olenko liian optimisti, mutta olen vakuuttunut että kaikkinensa suunta on oikea.  Silmänisku
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Re: Onko ms pohjimmiltaan verenkierto sairaus?
Vastaus #704 - 06.12.2009 - 23:31:49
Minulle on tullut mieleen, että itse asiassa laskimohäiriöt ovat aivan hemmetin looginen syy mäsäoireille. Ehkä jopa liiankin looginen syy, loogisempi ainakin kuin nykyinen teoria, jonka mukaan "valkosolut kuvittelevat tulehduksia jostain syystä itsekseen".

Lämmön [1] ja liikunnan [2] vaikutuksesta veren virtaus aivoissa kasvaa. Samoin, erityisesti lämpö ja liikunta aiheuttavat mäsillä (kuten mm. minulla) esim. fatiikkia, näön sumentumista ja raajojen heikkoutta. Toki oireita esiintyy liiankin kanssa normaalissakin elämässä, mutta ne korostuvat entisestään lämmön ja liikunnan seurauksena.

On ehkä liian yksinkertaista laskea 1+1=2. Toisaalta Zamboni on kuitenkin osoittanut, että jokaisella mäsällä on tukkeumia tai ainakin ahtaumia kaulalaskimoissa - eli veri ei pääse virtaamaan aivoista pois.

Tänne aiemmin postatuissa viesteissä on taas todettu, kuinka refluksin aiheuttama liiallinen veripitoisuus aiheuttaa hapenpuutosta aivoissa, mikä taas johtaa oligodentrosyyttien kuolemiin. Oligodentrosyytit taas muodostavat myeliinituppia. [3] Ja, kuten kaikki tiedämme, MS-taudin oireet johtuvat myeliinikadosta.

Oligodentrosyyttien kuolema vapauttaa rautaa aivoihin, ja rautakertymät voidaan huomata SWI-kuvauksella. CTV:n videoissa mainitaan, että rautakertymät ovat nimenomaan hermosolujen ympärillä.

Loppukaneetti Hannu Jortikan sanoin, "Ei tää voi olla niin vaikeeta." [4]

[1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2049599/pdf/brmedj03666-0037b.pdf

[2] http://www.fi.edu/learn/brain/exercise.html

[3] http://www.biomag.hus.fi/braincourse/L2.html

[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSk7m2F3UJo

Edit: asiavirhe korjattu.
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