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    Aapo Halko, my MS.

  • This page collects essential links on web about multiple sclerosis (MS). I am in a process of updating links.

    Visitors since 19.8.2000:
    Ilmainen www-laskuri


    Other ms pages

    1. MS pages by James S. Huggins. (new, good)
    2. NML multiple sclerosis search
    3. International MS Support Foundation by Jean Sumption.
    4. Laurel Highlands Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
    5. CLAMS
    6. John and Claude
    7. R. Miller, MS sources
    8. CSHSD (Centre for the Study of Health, Sickness and Disablement) at Brunel.
    9. Yahoo - Health:Diseases and Conditions:Multiple Sclerosis
    10. Multiple sclerosis by InfoSeek
    11. LookSmart: Multiple Sclerosis links
    12. MIC-KIBIC at the Karolinska Institute
    13. MS watch


    1. MS-newsgroup You can join MSLIST-L also by email. Send (new address!) a message with no subject, one line in the message, subscribe MSLIST-L your name
    2. Multiple Sclerosis webforum A forum to discuss and comment on Multiple Sclerosis.
    3. Multiple Sclerosis Forums - by MedSupport
    4. MS message index
    5. Welcome to MS One to One. It is a monthly one-sheet periodical.
    6. Multiple Sclerosis PenPals UK a.k.a. Jooly's Joint. Visit Jooly's Joint: Julie Howell's worldwide webpal service for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.
    7. #multiple_sclerosis channel's Official Home Page

    MS tips

    MS research

    Pro links


    1. Irwin Mortman hosts a ms and other autoimmune diseases research discussion list. Web site for instructions and archives. (Here you can find the latest ms news and abstracts.)
    2. MS news by Doctor's guide.
    3. The Department of Neurology at the University of Chicago Medical Center's web site devoted to MS and other neurological disease.
    4. Veritas Medicine, a service that bridges the information gap between patients and innovative medical therapies.
    5. Multiple Sclerosis, the journal.
    6. NEJM
    7. Research by MS Pathfinder
    8. The MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Clinical Research Group
    9. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS RESEARCH Menu by Baylor College of Medicine. On the T-Cell vaccine.
    10. Current research by NMSS.
    11. November 96 newsletter by MS Society of Canada.
    12. Herpes viruses and ms from IMSSF. Suspicion Mounts on Herpes Virus in MS from NMSS.
    13. THE MYELIN PROJECT Home Page, Latest Report - May '99.
    14. Multiple Sclerosis--Research Highlights by NINDS.
    15. The Antibody Resource Page
    16. Medical Sciences Bulletin: Autoimmunity and neurologic disorders. New immunology. Focus On... Rheumatoid Arthritis. Oral Collagen for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    17. Archives of neurology
    18. Neurology books Commentaries on articles appearing in the current medical literature important to clinical neurology. Full text. HTML and PDF formats.
    19. FPhandbook
    20. Multiple Sclerosis books
    21. MRI of a ms-brain
    22. Neuroradiology Imaging Archives
    23. mri teach




    MS medications


    MS drugs